Dog C.C. Peach’s Greyflax Myth To Kilbourne, Res Dog C.C. Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse, Bitch C.C. Bailey's Greyflax Guinevere, Res Bitch C.C. Rhodes’ Gentom Ovation, Best Puppy Blackford & Morrissey’s Lord Seafield of Hartvalley, Best Of Breed Bailey’s Greyflax Guinevere.
MPD (1) 1st Johnson’s Claonaiglen Bruar, 8 mths, good bone and feet, a nice shape and size, moves freely. Needs time to get his confidence to settle in the ring.
PD (2,1) Blackford & Morrissey’s Lord Seafield of Hartvalley. Good length of head and soft eye, good coat and plenty of muscle, good rear angulation. Good shape and size. Needs time to grow into his frame and strengthen his movement. B.P.
JD (2) 1st Peach’s Gentom Oliver Twist to Kilbourne, good head on nice reach of neck, well muscled, strong loin, nice rear angulation, good coat, good outline and movement. 2nd Cannon & Wickstead’s Kilbourne Osbourne, lovely expression, dark eye in good head, strong back, not as well developed as 1st. Needs to be more positive on the move.
PGD (12,3) 1st Owen & Brodie’s Wolfscastle Wood Melick, neat ears, dark eye, tight lips, good neck, strong back. Well muscled body in good coat. Good movement. 2nd Allwright’s Beardswood Mingarry at Berrylands, a nice head with dark eye, good ears, well set neck, lots of muscle, good angulation and coat. Not quite the outline and temperament of 1st. 3rd McKinnon & Parson’s Claonaiglen Orchy.
LD (8, 2) 1st Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse, lovely coat, nice body and angulation. Good neck, bone and feet. Dark eye, good beard and moved out well. 2nd Grimshaw’s Greyflax Lancelot To Jamalison, lovely to go over, super solid body, nice head and front. So much to like but his movement let him down. 3rd Helps’ Beardswood Marmion.
OD (8, 2) Peach’s Greyflax Myth To Kilbourne, good size and shape, lovely length of head well furnished on a strong neck. Good bone, depth of body, strong loin with nice movement. 2nd Allwright’s Greybrows Storms Nr Huggi of Berrylands, a good quality dog, dark eye in a good head with a neat ear. Just not moving as well as I’m sure he could as he had a well constructed body. 3rd Gomm’s Ch Terichline Xplorer.
MPB (1) 1st Parsons & McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Shira, 8 months old with a lovely expression, good width of loin already, nice angulation, dark eye and neat ears, good coat.
PB (2, 1) 1st Mansell & Duddell’s Canerikie Coco Calypso, 11 months, dark eye, neat ears, good front and bone, well angulated. Just at the awkward age of looking all loose.
JB (6, 3) Rhodes’ Gentom Ovation, 17 months, lovely head on a firm body with good curves and angulation, moved well. 2nd Peach’s Pingleholl Ruby To Kilbourne, 13 months, a little lighter in body than 1st, very feminine head and expression. Nice on the move. 3rd Faircloth & Helps’ Beardswood Niamh.
PGB (9, 1) 1st Parsons & McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orrin, Good length of head, dark eye and good furnishing. Good reach of neck. Good bone and body. One of the few with good front extension on the move. She needed to be a bit more settled in showing today. 2nd Guise’s Saintvalery Hope, very good type, could be darker in eye. Well muscled body with good angulation. Nice mover but another unsteady lady on the day. 3rd Hird’s Claonaiglen Albyn At Cloweswood.
LB (11, 5) 1st Johnson’s Modish Lilly Langtree, good head, dark eye, neat ears. Good outline and angulation , moved well. 2nd Bailey’s Greyflax Waterloo Sunset, very good head, neck, bone and front. Good loin, coat and condition, not as firm in rear as 1st. 3rd Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind Of Magic JW.
OB (7, 4) Bailey’s Greyflax Guinevere, lovely lines, good head and expression, well muscled body, good bone and coat. A classy lady with light good movement. 2nd Wragg’s Neroche Halistra, a good head, a little lighter in eye than 1st. Good front and body, good coat. She just wants to tuck her rear under her when standing.
Margaret Everton